Were you Ready for Winter?

Good afternoon families!

1.  The cold weather is here and students are still going out for recess so please remind them to wear their ski pants, boots, toques, gloves, scarves... We will only stay inside if the weather (including wind chill) is -25 or less.  

2.  The SCC (School Community Council) has launched their DQ fundraiser and forms were sent home to Youngest & Only students.  For families not wishing to buy or sell cakes, you can make a $15 donation to the council by paying on CashOnline.  This optional fee supports school and community events.  (If you tried previously to make a donation on CashOnline you may have had issues as we had technical issues from our end.  It is now working.)

3.  The Grade 1/2 class and Ms. Schmidt are talking about kindness and have decided to support our local pet shelter.  Please help them by sending used towels and blankets so they can be gifted to the Humane Society.  

4.  Lunchrooms - We get multiple requests every day for cutlery.  Please help your child pack a reusable fork/spoon in their lunch kits when they may be required.  

5.  Traffic near our school continues to be an issue.  Just this morning multiple driving infractions were observed - u-turns in crosswalks or in the middle of the street, parked cars in the bus lane, jaywalkers, double parked cars near the buses, etc.  Staff are on duty to supervise the playgrounds and assist with busing but we rely on licensed drivers to make good and safe decisions when driving near our school.  If you see traffic concerns please phone them into the city or police.  Please do your part as the safety of our combined 1000 students depends on all of us.  

6.  Attendance for October was 97%.  Thank you for prioritizing attendance and recognizing that kids benefit academically, socially, and emotionally when they attend regularly. 

7.  Our Remembrance Day Ceremony on Friday promises to be a beautiful event.  The Powerpoint of our combined relatives includes 45 people who have given of their time/careers/lives for peace.  We are honored to also have Elder Lee Prosper and Corporal Mervin Morin from the White Butte RCMP detachment.  

The Bison family wish you all a restful and warm weekend,

Mme Revet