U-Turn - We Ticket

Today’s School Zone Safety lesson is brought to you by the Letter “U”, and a recent increase in illegal U-Turns in Regina school zones.

1)    U cannot make a U-turn in a school zone.

2)    If U do, U are breaking a law: the Regina Traffic Bylaw.

3)    If U do, U could put nearby pedestrians and school children at risk. 

4)    U also risk getting into a collision that carries the possibility of injury/property damage to U or others.

5)    U could also get a ticket.

6)    If U get a ticket, U may have to pay hundreds of dollars, which means you have less $$ for things U really wanted to buy.

7)    Remember U are a role model to other drivers and school-age children, who will be parents and drivers someday.

8)    U can find the information prohibiting U-turns in school zones in Regina’s Traffic Bylaw, section 17(3).  It applies to all of us. Including U.

9)    U, me, all of us – we have a role to play in keeping our children safe.


We hope U like our playful approach but also appreciate our serious message.

-From Ur friends at Regina Police Service.