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Next Hot Lunch!

Would you like a day off from making lunch?  Then please head to www.healthyhunger.ca and either create an account or simply log into your account.  If you already have an account you will need to add your child/children again as classes have changed.  Once you are logged into Healthy Hunger you are able to order lunch and pay.  The lunch will be on October 23, 2018, and supplied by Subway.  If you normally go home for lunch, you are more than welcome to order and stay for lunch.  Please remember you must order 5 days prior to the lunch, so by October 18.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact Lisa Kress 306 737-7080 or lisaswhite@hotmail.com.

Menchie's Sales

Our senior students will be selling Menchie's every 2 weeks ($3).  Last year's frozen yogurt profits helped us pay for Cougs in Schools, awards & ribbons, special treats like Freezies, Play Day supplies, Practical & Applied Arts supplies, craft supplies, Breakout EDU resources, etc. 

You can purchase a card on CashOnline at any time, pay cash on the day, or if you are holding an unused card from last year, pack it in your lunch box for next week!  

Sales this year will be on the following dates:

October - 11, 25

November - 1, 15, 29

December - 13

January - 17, 31

February - 14

March - 14, 21

April - 11

May - 2, 16, 30

June - 13


Traffic Concerns

Lori Bresciani, Councillor for Ward 4, and Chief Evan Bray will be answering questions regarding crime and traffic safety in our community on Tuesday, October 16th @ 7PM at Living Hope Alliance Church. Children are welcome.   


Teachers will provide most information through their chosen mode:  Seesaw, Google Classroom, email or agendas.  Please give teachers a couple days to arrange permission forms and/or collect and confirm email addresses.  

The school sends additional information through this website and through newsletters to your email.  You must sign yourself up for newsletters by scrolling to the bottom right and entering your email. 


Social Media Awareness & Parenting the Digital World

With society heading in a direction of being constantly connected to technology, what do we need to know as parents to protect our kids and teach them responsible and appropriate use of technology? The parameters of rules and expectations that you put in place at home will undoubtedly guide their behaviour in the years to come. Please join us for an informative presentation on September 26th at 7PM at Campus Regina Public which will cover the following topics and more!  To see the poster please click HERE.  Registration is required. Please email leanne.wall@rbe.sk.ca to RSVP and reserve your seat.